M5 Process Controller Setpoint Programmer

Product Features
- 1/16 DIN Process controller/programmer
- Configurable input, 1 aux. and 2 digital inputs
- Up to 3 Digital outputs and 1 analogue output
- 16 segment programmer (optional)
High speed data acquisition and signal management. Efficient information transfer to the supervisor. Ability to adapt itself to changing process conditions. The most sophisticated 48x48 of the gammadue series is user-friendly due to easy and customisable procedures. The outputs (analogue, time proportioning or valve control) are freely addressable to the different functions like control, alarm or re-transmission. The programming setpoint and the memory chip help the M5 line achieve mini process controller status.
Key Terms: Ascon - M5 - M5-3100-0000 - Gamma - Digital - Temperature Controller - Universal - Electronic Controller - Process Controller - Setpoint Programmer - PID